How to Choose a Wedding Venue That Photographs Well

If you’re on the search for your dream wedding venue, I highly suggest thinking about how your photographs will look when considering venues. Your wedding venue will serve as the backdrop for many of your portraits, and it’s important that you choose a venue that photographs well. If you’re into stereotypical wedding venues that don’t add much into your portraits, then this blog won’t be for you. But If you’re looking for tips on how to choose a stunning venue that’ll add more beauty and depth to your your portraits, then keep reading, because I’m sharing the best tips on how to know a wedding venue with photograph well.

Natalie Nicole Photo | How to Choose a Wedding Venue That Photographs Well

The Venue Needs Natural Lighting

You may be wondering “why is choosing a venue with natural light so important to wedding photography?” Because it’s pretty light, that’s very flattering and photographs well. Almost without fail, natural light photography is advertised by all wedding blogs and magazines. Natural light imparts happy vibes, which, let’s be honest, is the only vibe we want on a wedding day. However, not all venues are created equal concerning natural light. So how do you choose a venue that has the most natural light? Look for these qualities:

  • Large windows- This will allow for the natural lighting from outdoors to flow through and light the venue.

  • White interiors - White reflects white, so choosing a venue with white interiors will help to brighten the venue. Keep in mind that wood absorbs light and casts yellow onto the skin.

  • Ask to see full galleries - Ask various photographers to see full galleries at the venue to make sure you love how the venue photographs throughout the day. If you don’t absolutely love it, don’t consider having your wedding at that specific venue!

Does it have Built-in Architectural Character? | How to Choose a Wedding Venue That Photographs Well

Architecturally boring venues look bland in photos. Think of the stereotypical white wedding venue in the burbs. I said what I said. Choose a wedding venue with built-in architectural charm, and you’ll automatically add a billion times more visual interest than all the floral arrangements in the world could offer. Alright, that was a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea of how important building character can be. Think British Vogue, half of what makes those images compelling is the old ass historic building in the background. My goal is to show up to every wedding and make it look like British Vogue, so if the building doesn’t give the look I want, I strategically crop it out, limiting shots. Do yourself a favor and make sure you choose a venue that you are 100% content with having in the background of every photo. Bonus if the architecture is so bomb that it adds more photo opportunities than distractions.

Does it Have The je ne sais quoi? The IT Factor?

“Je ne sais quoi” translates to “I don’t know what”. Except I know exactly what, and I will share the secret with you. Wedding venues with the “it” factor have that intangible beauty that translates well into photos. A lot of the most popular venues in the United States have this quality, but you can find a diamond in the rough, and here is how: The venue must have natural light, architectural charm, and a certain level of uniqueness. It’s the perfect trifecta to strike that elusive je ne sais quoi wedding vibe.

Let’s Find Your Dream Wedding Venue Togther

Did you find these tips helpful on how to choose a wedding venue that photographs well? I truly hope you did and that you take this into consideration when looking for your dream venue. Need help on finding a venue with natural lighting, built-in architecture, and a venue that has that “IT factor”? I’d would love to help you find the perfect wedding venue to serve as the perfect backdrop for your wedding photos. You can learn more about me here. If you’re ready to find the perfect venue for you then inquire with me here and let’s get to chatting about some of the stunning venues and gems I’ve come across in my 10 years of shooting weddings. Looking for more wedding tips and advice? Make sure to check out the blog!


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